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This is the RNA-seq analysis workflow we use in the lab.

Zhang Lab@Columbia by Hanrui Zhang [2019-06-10] and updated by Philip Ha [2020-07-16]

1. Introduction to RNA-seq

This video provides a thorough introduction about RNA-seq.

2. Install R and RStudio

We will use data sets in R. Please install the latest version of R or RStudio.

If you need a refresher, or have never used R before, please step through these tutorials.

3. Install Miniconda

4. Salmon: Transcript quantification from RNA-seq data

4.1 Install Salmon

4.2 Download Gencode annotation

4.3 Obtain fastq file from SRA


4.4 Build salmon index

4.5 Perform quantification using Salmon

5. QC of the RNA-seq data using MultiQC

6. tximport: Importing salmon’s transcript-level quantifications and aggregate them to the gene level for gene-level differential expression analysis

7. Exploratory analysis and visualization, and DESeq2 analysis

8. Additional resources

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